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Funding Opportunity

Community Active Transportation Planning

Request for Application (RFA) 2224

BID DUE DATE: February 17, 2022

Issue Date: January 14, 2022

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Division of Administration, is issuing an RFA Community Active Transportation Planning for the provisionof reducing disparities in health outcomes related to chronic disease in communities (city or county) from counties with the highest burden and worst chronic disease-related health outcomes through implementing policy, system, and environmental change strategies and activities to address the underlying causes of health and harms of physical inactivity and commercial tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure – two of the leading risk factors for chronic disease.

This funding cycle will be Notice of Award through September 29, 2022.

If you are interested in submitting a competitive application to provide the needed services for the Department, you may obtain a copy of the RFA document from the Department’s website at:

The RFA 2224 document will be listed on the website After downloading the entire document, it will also be necessary for you to check the same website location periodically until the time of bid closing in order to obtain any amendments to the RFA that may be issued later.

In the event you are unable to download the RFA document from the Internet or have questions regarding the RFA, please contact Nathan Ridenhour at, 573-751-6026, or by fax at (573) 526-0430.


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